Traditional Chinese | English
您可以用繁體中文瞭解《 懷唐伊條約》– 為了社區 、學校和家庭

《懷唐伊條約》 以毛利語寫成 , 並稱為 Te Tiriti o Waitangi 。
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Hau-Ren Hung was born in Taiwan, and studied a PhD in Anthropology and Social Inclusion in Australia. He immigrated to Aotearoa in 2014 with his family and currently works at Auckland Council Libraries.
Hau-Ren is an experienced translator. He worked with Decypher Interpreting and Translation, Hamilton Multicultural Services Trust. After Tikanga and Treaty training with Rauawaawa Kaumātua Trust and Tangata Tiriti in 2018, he translated Te Tiriti resources into traditional Chinese. Many groups in Aotearoa can read this script.