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Strong in both worlds - giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Robin Fabish responds to the question: What is Te Tiriti-based leadership, and how do we do it?

In this conversation Robin Fabish speaks with Alex Barnes about what it means to give practical effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in schools.

Robin Fabish (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Māhanga) and his whānau live in the rohe of Tākitimu. He is the tumuaki / principal of Tamatea High School, and has been working in secondary education for nearly twenty years.

Robin is currently a PhD candidate at Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland. His research focuses on how mainstream secondary principals give practical effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. To keep his vibe right, Robin is involved in music, playing Xbox and fun with his family.

WATCH: If a school were to come to you and ask the question, “What is Te Tiriti-based leadership, and how do we do it?”, what would you tell them?

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In this video:

Introducing Robin Fabish
Understanding the moral imperative for Tiriti-based leadership
Knowing the five elements of Te Tiriti so we can give effect to it
Aiming for students to graduate strong in te ao Māori
Asking the community for their aspirations as Māori
Impacts of colonisation on how we view ourselves today
Giving practical effect to Te Tiriti at all levels of the school
The fear of getting it wrong
Building teachers’ confidence through scaffolding
Have you had any pushback?
Actively recruiting Māori staff
Next steps for Robin’s research
How to get in touch with Robin
Acknowledging Robin for what he’s shared
Robin’s final words of encouragement