The Easy Read book about the Treaty of Waitangi: out now!

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Announcing a new illustrated book about the Treaty of Waitangi, with 106 pages of easy-read text and beautiful images.

The Easy Read book about the Treaty of Waitangi gives a concise history of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, from the 1835 Declaration to modern-day protest and settlements.

Suitable for

  • All readers that like an easy-read style with images, including Deaf people
  • Newcomers to Aotearoa NZ, young and old
  • Children and young people
  • Education providers – school/classroom sets to support the Aotearoa Histories
  • All New Zealanders wanting a concise story of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Free for the disability sector

The earlier edition of the Easy Read book about the Treaty of Waitangi is free for the disability sector. It is being distributed by IDEA Services. If you belong to the disability sector or are a member of the Deaf community please contact

This edition is also available in New Zealand Sign Language.

Free for members of the Deaf community or disability sector.
NZSL videos available here.