Learn about Te Tiriti o Waitangi in your language!
We are proud to offer information about the Treaty of Waitangi in many community languages. These are translations of educational resources used in our Tangata Tiriti – Treaty People workshops. The posters and handouts give a summary of the key points from Te Tiriti.

Our resources are available in many languages to download or order printed copies
Each resource pack includes
- An A3 poster of a summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the key points from the Māori text).
- An A4 handout of a summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the same key points from the Māori text).
- An A4 handout comparing the wording of original Māori text with the English document (again, in summary).
- A brochure explaining why Te Tiriti is important, how to access our resources and how to contact us to book a workshop about Te Tiriti, in many languages.
- Our resources give a summary of Te Tiriti. You can read the full text on the website of Network Waitangi Ōtautahi.
Download free resources here!
Click on the name of each language to access free PDF downloads.
آزرگی | Hazaragi
Order FREE printed sets for your family or community
FREE for communities & migrant / refugee organisations.
For sale to councils, schools & institutions
We want communities and organisations to share our resources about Te Tiriti o Waitangi! Please order copies to distribute among family, friends, neighbours & wider networks.

Launching Te Tiriti in Our Language
The resources were produced by Tangata Tiriti – Treaty People and launched by Ngaati Wairere on 17 September 2022. The project was supported from the beginning by Rauawaawa Kaumātua Charitable Trust.
Messages for the launch from the the Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro and the Hon Nanaia Mahuta are available for you to view below.
A second round of translations were launched in November 2023 at Waikato Museum, blessed by Ngaati Wairere (below).