Te Tiriti in our languages FAQ

Te Tiriti in Our Languages is a programme for creating clear, accurate educational resources about Te Tiriti o Waitangi in Aotearoa’s many languages.

What resources are included?

  • A Summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (as a wall poster)
  • Differences between the Māori language text and English version
  • Which Treaty? – about national and international status of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Pamphlet explaining the importance of Te Tiriti
  • Easy Read book about the Treaty of Waitangi (English Copy)
  • Short videos by translators introducing the programme in different languages

Why is this programme important?

Our initiative with these language packs is the first time that translations of simple user-friendly Te Tiriti educational materials are being offered directly to many of Aotearoa’s language communities.

This programme will extend for a decade or more, as more languages & videos are added. It is a significant step forward in making Te Tiriti accessible to everyone in Aotearoa, young and old.

With the Aotearoa NZ Histories Curriculum now underway, it is vital for parents and communities to understand what their children are learning at school.

Which languages are included?

In 2022, we launched these resources in the following languages (plus in English):

  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Burmese
  • Chinese – traditional and simplified script
  • Hindi
  • Korean
  • Malay
  • Persian (Farsi)
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Tamil
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

For speakers of sign language, we have videos about the Treaty of Waitangi in NZSL.

From November 2023, we will also have resources available in these languages:

  • Dari
  • Filipino
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Punjabi
  • Sinhala
  • Somali
  • Swahili

How can I order these resources?

You can order printed copies or download the PDFs directly from our website.

When will these resources be translated into more languages?

More languages will be added, as communities join the project.

We welcome contact from all language communities in Aotearoa to help create resources in your language. Please send us a message if you want to be involved.

How did Te Tiriti in Our Languages start?

Whaea Raiha Gray, Miguel Medero, Whaea Rangiuia Riki at the community interpreters’ workshop, Hui Te Rangiora Marae, Kirikiriroa / Hamilton, 2019

Te Tiriti in Our Languages programme started in Hamilton. Groups of professional translators and interpreters attended Treaty for Everyone workshops, with Māori elders and educators from Rauawaawa Kaumatua Trust and the Tangata Tiriti – Treaty People programme.

The translators became so inspired about what they learned, they wanted to share it with their communities, young and old, in their own languages.

Who are Tangata Tiriti – Treaty People programme?

Tangata Tiriti – Treaty People is a citizen education programme about Te Tiriti o Waitangi that includes everyone in Aotearoa: Its key aim is to build relationships between tangata tiriti – people of the Treaty (non-Māori), and tangata whenua – people of the land (Māori).

We focus on helping tangata tiriti from all language groups and abilities feel they belong in the Treaty relationship.

Follow the link to read more about us and what we do.