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Upcoming events

If you wish to receive an email when new dates are added to our calendar, either online or in your region please sign up here.

Or, follow Facebook for upcoming dates

The majority of our workshops are run with organisations or specific communities and not open to the public. However, from time to time, dates for public workshops will be posted on our Facebook page.

Workshops for organisations

Contact us via to enquire about a workshop for your organisation. You can also get in touch with other Tiriti o Waitangi educators in your region. 

Public online workshops

Our online workshops are split over two half-day sessions and delivered via Zoom. These are interactive workshops (not webinars) so you will need to clear your schedule for these times.

Registrations are open to the public. The programme is suitable for those new to the topic and for those wanting an intensive refresher.

Payment is on a sliding scale: Free for those who need it, $40 for individuals, or $95 for organisations.


  • How we connect to Te Tiriti as people from many backgrounds
  • The political context leading to a declaration in 1835 and a treaty in 1840
  • What the signatories agreed to.


  • A history of colonisation: Crown actions and Māori resistance
  • Matike Mai: a future vision for Aotearoa
  • What Te Tiriti means today: next steps for individuals and organisations

Follow our Facebook page to be notified of any upcoming events.